Friday, March 16, 2012

web 2.0

Wow! I have been going web2.0 crazy! I just got back from the MACUL (Michigan Association of Computer Users in Learning) conference and I have been following one link after another after another. I am in the process of pinning them to my Pinterest Web2.0 board so that I can remember all of them and also remember to go back to them! I will start posting links to some of the better ones on my blog, so look for them, hopefully soon!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

LilaLoa: Cookies

LilaLoa: Cookies: Click on the pictures to see more cookies in each category. H A L L O W E E N FALL/HARVEST EASTER ST. PATRICK'S DAY COOKIES VALEN...

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Spun Sugar Quilts: Tutorial English Paper Piecing Applecore shape Par...

Spun Sugar Quilts: Tutorial English Paper Piecing Applecore shape Par...: "This project is the inspiration for this tutorial. I love the applecore shape and I started this some time ago not realizing how complex ..."

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

ADD and time management!

So I seriously need to work better on my time management skills. I need to work on routines. The problem with being ADD is that I have trouble with time management, but the great thing about ADD is that I can do 20 things at the same time and get them all done...just at the last minute, and not usually in a routine. I have spurts of accomplishing a great amount of things and then nothing! It works for creativity, and being involved in lots of things, but I really need a secretary!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Keeping up

I am just wild surfing around the internet. Having one of those nights where I run into a site that reminds me of another site that I signed up on before, and then I go there again, and then I go back and then I find another...wild surfing!

I think I'll try again to keep up with this one...

Off to work on my new lesson plans...started using ...very cool site but a lot of work getting started!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Spring Break

Aauugghh! I have been sick all week and the weather has been cold and rainy. I haven't been to the gym because I can't breathe, and I haven't felt like doing anything...what a waste of a week. I accomplish more when I have three times as much to do!

Well, obviously, I am not going to feel better anytime soon (it's been two weeks now) so I am getting back to doing something that at least doesn't aggravate my asthma...time to blog...actually I am having fun setting all my accounts up on flock...I have been using it for a year now and am just setting up all of my accounts...a little slow, but I'm getting there.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Another day...another find!

As I was signing my mom up for a flickr account, I found a link for Flock. I, of course, had to follow it...that is why it takes me forever to get anything done on the computer! Flock is a new social networking web browser. It connects with your flickr account and runs a photo bar across the top of the page that contains your flickr photos! How cool! It also connects with a lot of your other accounts including providing a star that you can click on to add the site you are visiting to your favorites and your delicious account.

I am also currently working on my new wiki at pbwiki ( ). pbwiki is now offering add free wikis for educators. Go to to find out more!

You can also check out educator videos about pbwiki. Link to

Check it out!