Monday, April 23, 2007

Another day...another find!

As I was signing my mom up for a flickr account, I found a link for Flock. I, of course, had to follow it...that is why it takes me forever to get anything done on the computer! Flock is a new social networking web browser. It connects with your flickr account and runs a photo bar across the top of the page that contains your flickr photos! How cool! It also connects with a lot of your other accounts including providing a star that you can click on to add the site you are visiting to your favorites and your delicious account.

I am also currently working on my new wiki at pbwiki ( ). pbwiki is now offering add free wikis for educators. Go to to find out more!

You can also check out educator videos about pbwiki. Link to

Check it out!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Connecting and Collaborating

Today I attended the Connecting and Collaborating Conference at the OAISD. The conference was great, as usual, and it was a great opportunity to play around with new things.

Most of the sessions I sat in on had to do with web2.0 I am so excited by the myriad of free applications that you can access on the web, and the fantastic tools they can be. I now belong to so many social bookmarking, blog, and aggregator sites, etc...that I almost can't keep them straight...okay...I definitely can't keep them straight!

I think the thing to do is to try them out and choose the one that works best for yourself. Each is a little bit different, but enough alike that it really can be all about personal choice.

The wiki set up for the conference is at

There are so many links in it that you will be dizzy!

I also attended a session on wikis in the elementary classroom. I was excited about that because I have been thinking about getting my students going on a wiki, but just hadn't found the time to get I found the time! I looked at several different wiki sites, but pbwiki looks like the best one for right now. I did open several and play around, but pbwiki seems to have the best look and feel. Go to and check it out.